Amma Vodi Scheme Eligibility and Payment Status

Andhrapradesh state government launched the scheme called Jagananna Amma Vodi programme as a part of "NAVARATNALU" which is implemented and administered School education Department at starting from 9th january 2019 and every mid-june will come with a budget allocation of more than 6600 crores for 44.50 lakh beneficiaries getting financial assistance of 13,000 rupees per annum to each mother or recognized guardian in the absence of a mother who is below poverty line household.
Use of Amma vodi Scheme:
The primary objective of this scheme is for constraints to be lifted to access to school and ensuring quality education in order to achieve regulation of attendance that will help to reduce dropout rates, improving learning skills, and contributing to an increase in Gross enrollment Ratio (GER) at primary and secondary level of education of the state, ultimately supporting disadvantaged families children can continue their education.
Beneficiaries of Ammavodi:
Irrespective of caste, creed, religion and region, the scheme covers to school-going children studies from class Ⅰ to Ⅻ (Intermediate education) including enrolled in all recognized government, private aided and private unaided schools/junior colleges, residential schools/colleges in the state from the academic year 2019-2020 are eligible for this scheme.
Eligibility Conditions for Amma Vodi:
S.NO. | Criteria | Conditions |
01 | Citizenship | Should be a permanent resident of Andhra Pradesh |
02 | Total Family Income | Income limit should be less than Rs.10,000/- per month in Rural and Rs.12,000/- per month in Urban areas. |
03 | Mother/Beneficiary possess | The Beneficiary/Mother should have a rice card and a valid aadhaar card issued by Govt. |
04 | Government Employee/Pensioner | No family member should be a government employee or government pensioner except families of sanitary workers but the beneficiary itself is a sanitary worker is ineligible. |
05 | Four-Wheeler | No family member should be owned a four-wheeler but yellow board Taxis, Tractors, and Autos are exempted. |
06 | Electricity Consumption | The family dwelling unit either own or rent a house not be consumed more than 300 units per month. |
07 | Income Tax | No family member should be an Income tax payee. |
08 | Municipal Property | Land in municipal area should be less than 1000 sq.ft |
09 | Age & Gender | Not Applicable |
10 | Bank Accounnt Details | Mother/guardian should have an active bank account and be linked with aadhar card (NPCI link) |
11 | Attendance | The student must have 75% attendance in every academic year. |
Ineligibility Conditions:
- If the child discontinues their studies in the middle of the academic year, they will not be eligible for the benefit for that year of study.
- Whose data is unsatisfied with GSWS six step validation ineligible.
- The child beyond completion of class Ⅻ
Required Documents and applying method for Amma Vodi Scheme:
Process for amma vodi eligible list preparation based on the student enrollment as per the student info portal after due validation with childinfo/UDISE code and data of civil supplies and GSWS department household data that will be subjected to the six step validation, and no need to apply separately this scheme. At the time of school joining parents should submit the below-mentioned documents at their respective school.
- ☞Aadhar cards of parents/guardians and children
- ☞Rice Card
- ☞Student passport size color photo.
- ☞Mother/Father/guardian bank account.
- ☞Student caste certificate
- ☞Student Income certificate.
Then the child received a unique child ID for getting child details of the schooling and other student related schemes like JVk etc.
Getting Amma Vodi eligible data:
First, the provisional eligible and ineligible list come into the welfare assistant NBM login. You can check your name and other details and correct them if any mistakes in it accordinng to FAQ at the village secretariat before releasing of the final list that will be released after one week of the provisional list and displayed in the village/ward secretariat for social audit.
Receiving Ammavodi Payments Process:
The financial incentive of Ammavodi payments is transferred directly into the aadhar linked bank accounts of the beneficiaries through the Direct Benefit Transfer (DBT) system in a transparent manner that will prevent misuse of the funds.
Amma Vodi staus online checking link:
Anyone can check ammavodi status with aadhaar card of the beneficiary through this link. First, select the Jagananna Amma Vodi scheme name and enter aadhar number and captcha then click on Get OTP. You will receive OTP to the beneficiary aadhar linked mobile number. After entering OTP, click on verify OTP option, you will get total information including payment status.
Note: This link is not all the time activated, mostly working in approximately one month only after the launching of the scheme.