Ammavodi Scheme Frequently Asked Questions

Andhra Pradesh Government before launching of Jagananna Ammavodi Scheme in every mid year GSWS department released the Frequently Asked Questions official user manual for solving Ammavodi issues and there solutions based on doubts arise in Field verification data and beneficiary outreach app at the time of ekyc and other six step parameters, so let's get started to read below mentioned points
Category1: Child and Mother are in Different Household
Problem 1: In NBM login, under Mother Name, the guardian's aadhaar is shown. But Mother/Father is alive and present in a different household from the child
Ans1:- Step1: Child migration option will be provided in the PS login
- Step 2: After the child is migrated to the parent's household, in the NBM Grievance module, "Application Form" grievance type will be enabled where the correct details of the child and parents can be entered.
Problem2: Under Mother's Name, the guardian's Aadhaar is shown but the mother/father is alive and present in the same household as child
Ans2: In the NBM Grievance Module, "Application Form" grievance type will be enabled where the correct details of the child and parents can be entered.
Problem 3: Child is mapped to an unknown household and mother Aadhaar is incorrect as per School data. Child's mother is alive and in a different HH
Ans3:- Step1: In this case don't use the merging option because unknown family has also been added, so you shall follow this method that is Panchayathi Secretary from where the child mapping in the secretariat is write a letter to MPDO to remove this children from this Household, then MPDO send a request letter to GSWS Nodal Officer or Zilla Parishad CEO based on PS letter to the removal of the child from the unknown family. If they agree on the MPDO request, the child will remove from the existing HH and after adding him/her parent's House. This is time taking process that means data does not reflect immediately so WEA/WEDPS should select directly in NBM login as a "child migrates to parent HH" option, this may chance to merge after the completion of ammavodi data verification from the backend by the technical team.
- Step 2: If the child is added to his/her own family HH after following the above formula, in the NBM Grievance module, "Application Form" grievance type will be enabled where the correct details of the child and parents can be entered.
Problem 4: Mother alive, and child and mother are in the same HH but showing different households why?
Ans4 This issue arises mainly from mother data wrongly entered in student info portal, so raise a grievance in the Digital Assistant NBM portal login.
Problem 5: What can do if the mother is included in her parent HH but the child and father are included in one HH?
Ans:5 Child parents should have a marriage certificate and then add them in the digital assistant apseva portal login on the "member migration on marriage grounds" option.
Category2: Divorce Cases:
What can do if Mother has married someone else or the Parents are divorced but the children are living with the father/guardian?
Ans: In the NBM Grievance module, "Divorce" grievance type will be enabled where the correct details of the child and parents/guardian can be entered.
Category3: Mother/Both Parents Working Outside:
Problem 1: Mother is working outside Andhra, So child is living with grandparents. Father is alive and available.
Solution 1: In the NBM Grievance module, the "Mother/Father working outside" grievance type will be enabled where the correct details of the child and parents can be entered. Ensure Father and Child are in the same Household before raising a grievance.
Problem 2: Mother and Father are both working in other country. Child is living with grandparents.
Solution 2: In the NBM DA login Grievance module, the "Mother/Father working outside "grievance type will be enabled where the correct details of the child and parents/guardian can be entered. Ensure Guardian and child are in the same Household before raising a grievance.
Category4: Mother and Child Aadhaar are wrongly entered:
What can do "Mother and Child Aadhaar are same" scenario?
Ans: In the NBM Grievance module, "Application Form" grievance type will be enabled where the correct details of the child and parents can be entered.
Category5: Child having Shishu Aadhaar/not having Aadhaar
Problem 1: How can we replace the current working Aadhaar with a cancelled Aadhaar if the cancelled Aadhaar/Shishu Aadhaar is being shown in the School education data?
- Step 1: "Child Aadhaar Updation" module will be provided in PS login to replace cancelled/Shishu Aadhaar with working Aadhaar.
- Step 2: After working Aadhaar is added in the household database, in the NBM Grievance module, "Application Form" grievance type will be enabled where the correct details of the child and parents can be entered.
Problem 2: In the Invalid Child Aadhaar scenario, it is found that the child has not enrolled for Aadhaar.
- Step1: Child must enroll for Aadhaar Card
- Step 2: Once Aadhaar Card is received, add the child to Mother's Household.
- Step 3: Update the child's Aadhaar number in NBM portal in the field verification data module.
Category6: Rice Card Related:
For Ammavodi which is considered-Household or Rice Card.
Ans: Here Jagananna Ammavodi Scheme eligibility is Considered Household data base only and not an issue if the child is either present in the parent's Rice Card or is present in the rice card different from the parent's rice card.
Category7: Six Step Eligibility:
Why choosing Field Verification Module?
Ans: This module selection is for data correction only and an eligibility check will be done during the social audit process through Six Step Validation.
Category 8: Mother is dead, but mother's Aadhaar is not in Household.
How can be mapped Father Aadhaar to child's Aadhaar in the scenario of "Child in Household but Mother not in HH" in case the mother Dead?
Ans: In the NBM Grievance module, raise a grievance under the "Mother/Father death" grievance type where the correct details of the child and parents can be entered.
Category9: General Questions:
Problem1: Mother is dead, and father is alive but not mentally stable, so whose Aadhaar should be entered
Solution 1: Father details shall be collected in case of the death of Mother. In the "Mother Alive" column, select "NO", select "Father" from the dropdown and enter the Father's Aadhaar. Select Guardian only when Mother and Father are both dead.
Problem 2: Children are studying in other states, Are such cases eligible?
Solution 2: Those students are ineligible though belongs to Andhra Pradesh State.
Note: Still do you have any additional doubts please ask me through the comment section I will clarify to you.