PM Surya Ghar Yojana Eligibility, Apply Process, Subsidy etc.

pm surya ghar muft bijli yojana install rooftop solar panels on 1 crore houses in india for reducing electricity bills and preserving environment.
pm surya ghar yojana

The PM-Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana is a Central Government new electricity scheme initiative in India launched in February 2024 that aims to provide free electricity to up to one crore households.

This Prime Minister solar panel scheme works by providing subsidies to eligible households for installing rooftop solar panels on their homes. These panels generate electricity using sunlight, which can then be used to power the household's appliances.

Any excess electricity generated can be fed back into the grid, earning the homeowner credits on their electricity bill.

Key features of the PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana:

(1). Subsidy:

The government will provide a subsidy of up to 60% of the cost of installing a rooftop solar panel system, with a maximum limit of ₹78,000.

(2). Free electricity:

Households that install solar panels under the PM solar scheme will be eligible to receive up to 300 units of free electricity per month.

(3). Reduced electricity bills:

Even after the free 300 units are consumed, households with rooftop solar panels will likely see a significant reduction in their electricity bills.

(4). Environmental benefits:

By promoting the use of solar power, the scheme will help to reduce India's reliance on fossil fuels and combat climate change.

PM Surya Ghar Muft Bijli Yojana Eligibility Criteria:

  • User must be a Citizen of India
  • Below the Poverty Line people will receive a subsidy
  • Family Income below Rs 1,50,000
  • The roof should have enough surface area to accommodate the number of panels required to meet your electricity needs
  • Applicant should have a valid electricity connection
  • Applicant must not have availed of any other prior subsidy program for solar panel installations.

Required Documents for Prime Minister Surya Ghar Yojana:

  1. Photo of the rooftop where solar panel can be installed
  2. Valid mobile number and email ID of the user
  3. Electricity bill from last 6 months
  4. Bank account of the applicant
  5. The Aadhaar Card of the applicant
  6. Owner consent form if the applicant living in a rented house.

PM Surya Ghar Yojana Applying Process:

There are two ways to apply online to get central government solar subsidy in India. One is official portal and another method is Common Service Center (CSC).

The processes involved in making an application are generally the same across the board. Here is the step-by-step procedure explain to register for a rooftop solar plant through either the National Portal or CSC.

This process manages the entire workflow and is essential for integrating the application into operation. Let's start.

Step-1: Registration

Visit the National Portal for Rooftop Solar through the link provided: Follow the instructions provided on the portal to register.

Step-2: Apply for Rooftop Solar

After successful registration, log in to your account. Click on the "Submit Application" option.

Fill out the required information in the provided format and submit the application.

Step 3: Technical Feasibility Approval/TFR

Your submitted application will be forwarded directly to the relevant DISCOM (Distribution Company) for technical feasibility approval.

If all the details provided are correct, your application will be approved.

Otherwise, it may be rejected or returned for correction.

Step-4: TFR Approved, Selection of Vendor, and Plant Installation

Upon approval of the Technical Feasibility Report (TFR), you can proceed to sign an agreement with a registered vendor selected by you.

The list of registered vendors is available under the 'vendors in my area' tab in your account on the National Portal.

Step 5: Submit Installation Details

After the installation of the solar plant is completed, submit the installation details through the National Portal. Upload a photo of yourself with the installed plant.

These details are essential for the inspection and net-metering of the plant.

Step 6: Inspection by DISCOM

DISCOM officials will inspect the installed system according to the technical criteria prescribed by the Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE).

Upon successful inspection, a net-meter will be installed by the DISCOM.

Step 7: Project Commissioning Status

Once the net-meter has been installed, a DISCOM official will approve the installation details on the portal. An online commissioning certificate will be generated and made visible in your account.

Step 8: Subsidy/CFA Request

After the commissioning certificate is generated, you can raise an online subsidy/CFA claim request. Provide your bank details along with a legible copy of a cancelled bank cheque or passbook.

If all details are found correct, the Central Government subsidy/CFA will be released directly into your bank account within 30 days of submission of the claim.

PM Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana Subsidy for Residential Households:

Average Monthly Electricity Consumption (units)Suitable Rooftop Solar Plant CapacitySubsidy Support
0-1501 – 2 kWRs 30,000 to Rs 60,000/-
150-3002 – 3 kWRs 60,000 to Rs 78,000/-
>300Above 3 kWRs 78,000/-

Loan facility for PM Surya Ghar Yojana:

There are attractive collateral-free loan facilities available to cover the remaining cost of rooftop solar installation under the PM-SGY scheme, along with central financial assistance of up to Rs 78,000 depending on the capacity of the solar power system you choose.

The details of PM Surya Ghar Yojana loans offered by various banks are given in the following table.

Solar Power Loan Scheme Details
ParametersLoan Details
Up to 3 kW4 kW to 10 kW
Loan AmountMaximum Rs 2 LakhsMaximum Rs 6 to 10 Lakhs based on Banks
MarginMinimum 10% of Project CostMinimum 20% of Project Cost
  • Maximum 120 months (inclusive of Moratorium period)
  • No Minimum period
  • (No pre-payment penalty)
SecurityHypothecation of Assets
Processing FeeNIL
Rate of InterestEBLR - 2.15% Effective Rate as on date: 7%
  • For Home Loan customers EBLR + 0% - Effective Rate as on date – 9.15%
  • For Non-Home Loan Customers EBLR + 1% - Effective Rate as on date – 10.15%
Moratorium6 Months from the date of Disbursement
Net Annual IncomeNo RequirementMinimum - Rs. 3 lacs.

Frequently Asked Questions:

(Q1). How much area is required for a 1 kWp rooftop Solar PV system?

Ans: The area required for a 1 kWp (kilowatt peak) rooftop solar PV system can vary based on several factors, including the efficiency of the solar panels, the tilt angle of the roof, shading, and local weather conditions.

However, a rough estimate is typically around 8 to 10 square meters (approximately 86 to 108 square feet) for a standard crystalline silicon solar panel installation in good conditions.

(Q2). What types of roofs are suitable for Rooftop solar (RTS) system?

Ans: While rooftop solar PV systems can be installed on many types of roofs, the roof must be structurally sound enough to support the weight of the solar panels and mounting system.

(Q3). What is the daily energy generated from a 1 kWp Solar Power Plant?

Ans: The energy genaration depends on several factors, including: location, weather conditions, Tilt angle and orientation of the panels and panel efficiency.

However, On a clear sunny day, 1 kWp solar power plant can generate 4 to 5.5 units in a day

(Q4). Can I install a Rooftop Solar system if I live in a rented house?

Ans: Yes. If you have an electricity connection and also have permission from the house owner

(Q5). whether people other than those classified as Below Poverty Line (BPL) are eligible for a solar scheme?

Ans: Yes. The scheme is open to all residential households, but subsidies are not available to income taxpayers and government employees. While only indigenously manufactured solar modules qualify for subsidy.

(Q6). Is the subsidy provided under the PM Surya Ghar Yojana intended for commercial purposes?

Ans: No. the PM Surya Ghar Yojana subsidy is not meant for commercial purposes. The scheme is designed to encourage residential rooftop solar power generation.

The subsidy is capped at a capacity of 3 kW, which is typically suitable for powering homes and not large commercial establishments e.g. Govt., institutional, social, industrial etc.

Additionally, the program's focus is on reducing electricity bills and promoting clean energy use in households.

(Q7). Why PM Surya Ghar free solar energy application rejected?

Ans: Be sure to follow these guidelines to avoid application rejection:

  • Use your own personal mobile number and email ID when registering on the National Portal. Do not use any vendor's contact information. Applications with vendor details will be rejected, and the vendor may be blacklisted.
  • Ensure your electricity connection and bank account are registered in your own name. Applications with mismatched details (e.g., account name doesn't match applicant name) will be rejected.
  • If your roof area isn't sufficient to accommodate the required system size, your application might be rejected.

(Q8). Is this PM Surya Ghar Yojana suitable for some areas like Jammu & Kashmir states due to mostly weather is cloudy?

Ans: Yes. Because this scheme working in net metered systems.

In this situation solar power is drawn from the grid to houses in a cloud cover locations. The beneficiary has to pay for only the net energy used.

(Q9). What is the last date of the PM Surya Ghar solar registration?

Ans: There is no specified end date for it.


Overall, initiatives like the "PM-Surya Ghar: Muft Bijli Yojana" have the potential to catalyze the transition towards a cleaner and more sustainable energy future while improving access to electricity for millions of households across India.

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