Sponsorship Scheme assist Children under Mission Vatsalya

The Ministry of Women and Child Development is implementing a Sponsorship Scheme which is a part of Mission Vatsalya to give monthly 4000 rupees financial support to vulnerable children living with extended families/biological relatives for supporting their education, nutrition, and health needs.
Eligibility Criteria for Sponsorship:
- where the mother is a widow or divorced or abandoned by family
- where children are orphan and are living with the extended family
- where parents are victims of life threatening/terminal disease
- where parents are incapacitated or unable to take care of children both financially and physically
- children in need of care and protection if they not having home, victim of any natural calamity, child labour, victim of child marriage, trafficked child, HIV/AIDS affected child, child with disabilities, missing or runaway child, child beggers or living on the street, tortured or abused
- children covered under the PM CARES for children scheme
What is the Income limit of this Scheme?
Those Whose family income not exceed in 72000 rupees per annum in rural areas and 96000 rupees per annum in urban areas are eligible.
Age limit of the Scheme:
The duration of the sponsorship support can be extended up to 18 years of age or till the end of the mission vatsalya scheme.
When the scheme is retained?
SFCAC review and recommend the termination of the family based sponsorship service in the following circumstances:
- When the child has achieved the age of 18 years
- When the family's economic status has improved and the family voluntarily relinquishes financial assist
- if the child joins any child care institutions from leaving their family
- The Sponsorship and Foster Care Approval Committee(SFCAC) reviewed all sponsorship cases from time to time and if they find the school going child is irregular for more than 30 days in school attendance/or Anganwadi(except in case of children with special needs or illness of the child which shall be verified by DCPU) then the sponsorship assistance will be suspended.
What is the procedure for selecting of the children under the sponsorship program?
- The request for sponsorship support for a child in institutional care can be uploaded on the Mission Vatsalya portal by the District Child Protection Unit(DCPU)
- The DCPU shall organise the meeting of SFCAC in the first week of every quarter, or as per need to consider the requests received.
- The orphan, abandoned, or surrendered children shall be given preference in consideration, in case they are not legally free for adoption/not adopted in six months.
- The Committee will recommend eligible children to DM through DCPU
- The DM shall give approval based on the recommendation of the Child Welfare Committee or refer the cases for review
- The Committee may review and respond to the observations made by DM
- DM may accept or reject the recommendations
How to receive money?
After approval of the child's appilication by DM, The DCPO shall open an account in scheduled bank/Post office in the name of the child, to be operated by the child's guardian, preferably by the mother. Once sanctioned, the amount shall be credited monthly in the child's account.
Where to submit the sponsorship application?
After Downloading the below format and fill the all columns correctly and attaching the necessary enclosures then submit at your nearest anganwadi teacher or supervisor. They will process the reaming procedure. Application
The objective of the Sponsorship fund is a conditional assistance, to ensure that children get the opportunity to stay and grow within their social and cultural miliew in the community, without displacement.